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Adjunct Faculty - Biophysics

  • 493574
  • Part-Time
  • Biology
Department: Biology Salary: Commensurate with experience


The Department of Biology and Biochemistry at the University of Houston invites applications for a temporary adjunct faculty position. Responsibilities will include teaching a three-credit Biophysics course in accordance with the department’s curriculum guidelines and policies. Develop and organize the course syllabus, lecture materials, assignments, and grading criteria. Hold regular office hours (in-person or virtual) to support student learning and address course-related questions. Utilize the university's learning management system (Canvas) to post course materials, assignments, and grades in a timely manner.

Qualifications: Ph.D.
Required attachments: CV and Teaching philosophy and statement

Official transcripts are required for a faculty appointment and will be requested upon the selection of the final candidate. All positions at the University of Houston are security sensitive and will require a criminal history check.

The University of Houston System and its universities are an Equal Opportunity Institution.

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